Our Background

Our History

Founded in 1985, CETDEM is an independent, non-profit organisation based in Petaling Jaya. Our work revolves around research, advocacy, education, and consultancy. We are committed to improving environmental quality through the appropriate use of technology and sustainable development.

CETDEM was incorporated with a commitment to improve environmental quality through the appropriate use of technology and sustainable development.

We have actively sought to address diverse environmental issues such as impact of long-term climate change on Malaysian Society, sustainable energy, sustainable transport, organic farming (sustainable agriculture) and in its totality, the sustainable development landscape.

To date, CETDEM had conducted numerous organic farming courses and training sessions for aspiring organic farmers, organizing national level organic related seminars and exhibitions, Hari Organik and Farmer’s Corners and last but not least, work to introduce young and enthusiastic organic farmers to their peers and significant general public exposure. CETDEM has also pioneered a proven organic farm for 10 years in the state of Selangor.

Our Background

Always Promoting Sustainable Development’ and providing practical and sustainable solutions since it was founded on 25 April 1985, the Centre for Environment, Technology & Development, Malaysia (CETDEM) is registered as a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital [Reg. No. 139058-M]. It has a membership ceiling of 50 persons and is run by a 7 member Board of Directors.

It is an independent, non-profit, training, research, consultancy, referral, and development organization, committed to improving environmental quality through the appropriate use of technology and sustainable development.

CETDEM offers training courses in Environment, Energy, Technology, Organic Farming, and Development to Business, Industry, Government, Citizen Groups, and the public.


The Malaysian Government awarded the 1993 Langkawi Award to its founder Exec Dir in 2001, the Japan Technological Institute Foundation nominated by the then IFOAM Asia gave the SAIKA Award the CETDEM’s Organic Farming Project Coordinator.

Its chairman was given the Sustainable Consumer Award by the Malaysian Govt in 2008. CETDEM is the Recipient of Energy Globe National Award 2012 and the SUHAKAM Human Rights Award 2016 for CSO category.

International Role

CETDEM has been represented at various international fora such as the:

UN Conf. on Env. & Development in Rio, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, UN Convention on Biological Diversity, Vienna Convention & Montreal Protocol. CETDEM has also been present at World Solar Summit and Conferences of IFOAM.

Promoting Sustainable Development Since 1985